.Age:13141516 going to be 17 on 7/10/10
.School:Zhenghua Secondary school/Nanyang Primary school
.Fahrenheit 飞轮海
.Fish 梁静茹
.Nicholas 张栋樑
.Rainie 杨丞琳
.Angela 张韶涵
.爱就宅一起 ToGetHer
.公主小妹 Romatic Princess
.翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 Rolling Love
.Pet hamsters
.Soft Toys
.Singing and listening to songs
.To buy CDs,VCDs,DVDs
.Play computer games
.Going out with cousins
.Going out with friends
.fruit/vegetables family in 1E5~
.ppl who...
.say bad things about Fahrenheit 飞轮海
.are haolian
.scold me
.keep complain and talk bad about me
.look down on me
.wish to pass all my exam,class/level test
.wish to get good results for End Of Year Exam o7
.Want to go out with close and very good frenzs
.Want to buy any cd's,vcd's&dvd's i want
.Want to have alot soft toys
.Want to have my own room
.Want to have Laptop
.Want new IPOD/MP3/4 with bigger memory
.Want new accessroies(Rings,Necklaces,Bracelets,Broches)
.wish to get lots of presents for my b'day
.wish to go to hongkong disney land
.wish to get alot money during chinese new year
.hope to have a small and cute puppy as another pet
.Want to put clock in my blog
.Want get all my idols atuographs and see them in person
.Want to learnt Singing
.Want to be a famous singer with a lot albums
.Want to go Kbox
.Want to buy Wei Xiao Pasta soundtrack
.Want to buy wei xiao pasta VCD
.Want to buy Gong Zhu Xiao Mei VCD
.Want to buy huan huan ai VCD
.Want to buy Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas new show VCD
.Want to buy fei lun hai new album coming out le
.Want to buy fei lun hai concert DVD/VCD will come out
.Want to buy Fish 梁静茹 new album
.Want to buy Rainie 杨丞琳 new album
.Want to buy Genie 卓文宣 new album
Chinese new year 14/2-28/2
My Birthday 7 October
Aaron 炎亚纶 Birthday 20 November 1986



歌手 Singers♥
飞轮海 Fahrenheit♥
Aaron 炎亚纶♥
Jiro 汪东城♥
Calvin 辰亦儒♥
Wu Chun 吴尊♥
HIM 华研♥
Show 罗志祥♥
台湾艺人 Taiwan artists♥
魔幻 冠逹
小鬼 黄鸿升
新加坡YES933电台广播员 YES933 DJs♥
新加坡演员 actors/actress♥
Felica 陈靓瑄
Charlie cousin
Jesscia cousin
Joyce cousin♥
Mabel cousin

~3e1'08 4e1'09 Current class~

*Jia xin
Zhan Shoon 6c`05

Dream Chaser IDPW blog


ChengSheng Kor
Carl Kor



Glenda Jie


Mu Zhen
Ms Goh








Zolyn Jie


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
June 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
June 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010

Image done by: !**!. Codes done by:!ferris.WHEEL².?. Music:Imeem

Image done by: !**!. Codes done by:!ferris.WHEEL².♥.
Thursday, June 05, 2008 @ 9:31 PM

Angela concert ended although it is a bit late to post but is better than never post la.Yesterday,4/6 went to cousin hse to get things from angela concert(Pictures n videos)from cousins.1/6 Angela concert very high love all those songs she sings.Most ppl in front buy the light sticks then veri beautiful lor so colourful.Although the merchandise sold at the Angela concert is not so much compared to Nicholas concert,i still managed to buy so things there.It got sell Angela's concert in Taiwan DVD with free poster,her latest album (Qiang Gong Gai Ban version) with free poster,T-shirt,wristband,badges,handphone acessories,bracelet,necklace,lightsticks and maybe some other things cannot remember liao .I managed to buy the wristband,badages and the Angela's concert inTaiwan concert DVD.The necklace,bracelet,handphone acessories and t-shirt never buy cox a bit girl girl quite expensive but a least got buy something cox i buy at the end of the concert.2/6 cousin wedding went to open the car door then got get hong bao:)then had buffet lunch then went to ah ma hse to take dumplings love to eat dumplings made by ah ma<33.At night went to wedding dinner reach quite early got take some pictures with cousins.It had been veri tired for me from 30/5 to 2/6 cox went to many places for different events also got went shopping with cousins on 30/5 and went shopping with parents on 31/5 just before Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas concert although very tired i felt that is veri fun and exciting as it is my first time going to a atougarph session and going to concerts and first time to open the wedding car door anyway veri high during the concerts and now need to do homework and projects liao if not might not have enough time to do also dunno if got go overseas during this holiday.Hiaz anyway after watching Zhang Dong Liang's and zhang Shao Han's concerts i start to admire both of then.Atr cousin hse i start find news and information about Zhang Dong Liang
and Zhang Shao Han.Also find many pictures and videos(MVs)on Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas and Zhang Shao Han Angela.LOVE<33>

@ 1:20 AM

Angela concert ended although it is a bit late to post but is better than never post la.Yesterday,4/6 went to cousin hse to get things from angela concert(Pictures n videos)from cousins.1/6 Angela concert very high love all those songs she sings.Most ppl in front buy the light sticks then veri beautiful lor so colourful.Although the merchandise sold at the Angela concert is not so much compared to Nicholas concert,i still managed to buy so things there.It got sell Angela's concert in Taiwan DVD with free poster,her latest album (Qiang Gong Gai Ban version) with free poster,T-shirt,wristband,badges,handphone acessories,bracelet,necklace,lightsticks and maybe some other things cannot remember liao .I managed to buy the wristband,badages and the Angela's concert inTaiwan concert DVD.The necklace,bracelet,handphone acessories and t-shirt never buy cox a bit girl girl quite expensive but a least got buy something cox i buy at the end of the concert.2/6 cousin wedding went to open the car door then got get hong bao:)then had buffet lunch then went to ah ma hse to take dumplings love to eat dumplings made by ah ma<33.At night went to wedding dinner reach quite early got take some pictures with cousins.It had been veri tired for me from 30/5 to 2/6 cox went to many places for different events also got went shopping with cousins on 30/5 and went shopping with parents on 31/5 just before Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas concert although very tired i felt that is veri fun and exciting as it is my first time going to a atougarph session and going to concerts and first time to open the wedding car door anyway veri high during the concerts and now need to do homework and projects liao if not might not have enough time to do also dunno if got go overseas during this holiday.Hiaz anyway after watching Zhang Dong Liang's and zhang Shao Han's concerts i start to admire both of them.Atr cousin hse i start find news and information about Zhang Dong Liang and Zhang Shao Han.Also find many pictures and videos(MVs)on Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas and Zhang Shao Han Angela.LOVE<33 Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas and Zhang Shao Han Angela

Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 2:15 AM

Later going to Angela Zhang Shao Han concert veri excited now.Now preparing to go expo for her concert .Tmr cousin wedding will be quite busy especially my mummy cox she nid to help out .Later going dinner with Joyce Ivan Mabel Kor and Uncle for dinner then go for the concert.Juz change skin only change to Nicholas Zhang Dong Liang.Actually i dunno if want to change to Angela skin or Nicholas skin or fahrenheit skin but after wacthing nicholas concert yesterday i understand him better and idolised him even more so i decided to change to his skin ok gtg for concert liao bb:)

@ 12:57 AM

Its really been a long time since i post.This is my first post for the yr hiaz exam score score not really well dun want to say le la .Now at cousin hse just come back from Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas concert.30/5 is Zhang Shao Han Angela qian chang hui at IMM.Went with my cousins,Joyce and Ivan to IMM to shop and go to Angela's autograph session .First time i see Angela veri close also get her signiture on her album and her concert ticket.LOVE Angela.Juz came back from Nicholas concert(31/5) veri high lor also took alot pictures and videos he also have a "Chit Chat" session with us telling us how he feel about the Sinagpore fans and wat are some things that he is worring abt at the KL and S'pore concert LOVE all the songs Nicholas sing.Also got buy alot merchandise at the concert it got sell Wei Xiao Pasta VCD/DVD with free poster,different kinds of light sticks,calendar,plastic folder,postcards,badges,FROM NOW ON 2008 Nicholas concert(Singapore)T-shirt,posters,FROM NOW ON VCD,cap.LOVE Nicholas and Angela.Tmr going Angela's concert confirm veri high one again also confirm got buy a lot of merchandise.Want to change skin to Nicholas but so suai lor the blogskins website under"construction"so cannot change skins nid to wait for other time.LOVE ANGELA ZHANG SHAO HAN and NICHOLAS ZHANG DONG LIANG <33.Actually nicholas also got autograph session at Singapore but never go cox is exam period veri wasted lor cannot get his autogragh really make me vero sad cox i like him alot especially the songs he sings and those show that he acted in

@ 12:38 AM

Its really been a long time since i post.This is my first post for the year hiaz exam score score not really well dun want to say le la .Now at cousin hse just come back from Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas concert.30/5 is Zhang Shao Han Angela qian chang hui at IMM.Went with my cousins,Joyce and Ivan to IMM to shop and go to Angela's autograph session .First time i see Angela veri close also get her signiture on her album and her concert ticket.LOVE Angela.Juz came back from Nicholas concert(31/5) veri high lor also took alot pictures and videos he also have a "Chit Chat" session with us telling us how he feel about the Sinagpore fans and wat are some things that he is worring abt at the KL and S'pore concert LOVE all the songs Nicholas sing.Also got buy alot merchandise at the concert it got sell Wei Xiao Pasta VCD/DVD with free poster,different kinds of light sticks,calendar,plastic folder,postcards,badges,FROM NOW ON 2008 Nicholas concert(Singapore)T-shirt,posters,FROM NOW ON VCD,cap.LOVE Nicholas and Angela.Tmr going Angela's concert confirm veri high one again also confirm got buy a lot of merchandise.Want to change skin to Nicholas but so suai lor the blogskins website under"construction"so cannot change skins nid to wait for other time.LOVE ANGELA ZHANG SHAO HAN and NICHOLAS ZHANG DONG LIANG <33